Monday, January 27, 2020

Overview of Bones in the Human Body

Overview of Bones in the Human Body The skull is the top of the skeleton and consists of the cranium and mandible. The cranial part of the skull is composed of separate bones united at immobile joints called sutures. These sutures are held by sutural ligaments. The skull is made of compact bone, covered with periosteum, and a layer of diploe. The mandible is connected to the cranium by a synovial joint called the temporomandibular joint. The cranium houses the brain and supports the face. The number of bones in the skull totals 22. The skull bones can be divided into two groups. The bones of the cranium and facial. The five bones of the cranium consist of one frontal, two parietal, one occipital, two temporal, one sphenoid, and one ethmoid bone. The facial bones consist of two zygomatic bones, two maxillae, two nasal bones, two lacrimal bones, one vomer, two palatine bones, two Inferior conchae, and one mandible. In the thoracic cage we have the lateral ribs, costal cartilages, dorsal thoracic vertebrae, sternum, and the xiphoid. The thoracic cavity protects the heart and lungs. This cage also supports the shoulder girdles and upper limbs and attached you will find the neck, chest, and Skeletons and Bones   PG 2. muscles. The sternum or breastbone has three fused bones. We have 12 ribs total. The ribs are either floating ribs or true ribs. The true ribs 1-7 are attached to the sternum. Ribs 8-10 are considered false ribs. The ribs 11-12 are considered floating ribs and do not attach to the sternum. The scapula is a flat, triangular bone which articulates laterally with the clavicle and with the humerous. We have two identical pairs. The clavicles are a pair of long bones that connect the scapula to the sternum. The clavicles are cylindrical bones around 6 inches long. They are located in the thoracic region superior and anterior to the first rib. Each clavicle runs transversely and forms a joint with the sternum on its medial end and the scapula on its lateral end. (Bones: structure and mechanics, Pg. 47) The clavicles, along with the scapulae, form the pectoral girdle that attaches the bones of the arm to the trunk. The sternoclavicular joints are the only bony attachments between the pectoral girdles and the bones of the axial skeleton. Several muscles of the neck and shoulder also attach to the clavicle, including the pectoralis major, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, and deltoid. The vertebra column consists of 33 vertebrae. The first 24 vertebra are articulating vertebrae, seven cervical, 12 thoracic, five lumbar, and the lower nine are fused. Then following we have five fused in the sacrumand four in the coccyx. The spinal canal protects the spinal cord. The human vertebral column is the backbone or spine, consisting of thirty three in total. The vertebra are small bones forming the backbone and they have a hole through which the spinal cord passes. The ilium is the uppermost and largest part of the hip bone. This bone is wide, flat, and provides attachment points.   The curved ischium forms the lower and back part of the hip bone. This bone is below the ilium and behind the pubis. The superior portion of this Skeleton and Bones    PG 3. bone forms approximately one third of the acetabulum. The body rests on these bones while in sitting position. The pubic bone is the ventral and anterior of the three bones which make up half of the pelvis. The pubic bone is covered the mons pubis. There is a superior ramus and an inferior ramus noted.The pubis is the lowest and most anterior portion of the hip bones of the pelvis. The pubic symphysis, is where the two hip bones of the pelvis are fused together. The humerus is the upper arm long bone, it extends from shoulder to elbow. The proximal end has a smooth round head that articulates with scapula. The cylindrical shaped humerus has two rounded processes called the greater and lesser tubercles. The distal end of the humerus has two articulating surfaces, the trochlea which articulates with the ulna and the capitulum, which articulates with the radius at the elbow. The ulnais a long bone located on the opposite side of the forearm from the thumb. It attaches to the humerus on the larger end and joins with the carpal bones of the hand at its smaller end. It lies medially and parallel to theradius.The forearm has two large bones, the radius and the ulna, of which the radius is the larger bone. The radius is located on the lateral side of the forearm between the elbow and the wrist joints.   The pectoral girdle is the skeletal framework that provides attachment for the scapulas and clavicles.The Pelvic Girdle is composed of 2 hip bones and sacrum. The talus bone, astragalus, or ankle bone is one of the group of foot bones known as the tarsus. The tarsus forms the lower part of the ankle through its articulations with the lateral and medial malleoli of the two bones of the lower leg, the tibia and fibula. The tarsus transmits the entire weight of the body to the foot. The calcaneus or heel bone is a bone of the tarsus of the foot which constitutes the Skeleton and Bones   PG 4. heel. The metatarsal bones, or metatarsus are five long bones in the foot, located between the tarsal bones of the hind- and mid-foot and the phalanges of the toes. (Fundamentals of Anatomy Physiology) The metatarsal bones are numbered from the medial side: the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal. A tarsal is considered one of the seven bones of the tarsus. The metacarpals are long bones within the hand that are connected to the carpals, or wrist bones, and to the phalanges, or finger bones. The tops of the metacarpals form the knuckles where they join to the wrist. On the palm side, they are covered with connective tissue. There are eight small carpel bones that sit between the distal ends of the radius and ulna. They have five metacarpals. The size of these metacarpals vary and have different shapes. The phalanges are digital long bones found in the hands and feet. There are generally three noted, distal, middle, and proximal for each digit. The only exception the thumbs and large toes. The fibula is a leg bone located on the lateral side of the tibia, with which it is connected above and below. It is the smaller of the two lower leg bones and the slenderest of all the long bones. The tibia is the larger and stronger of the two lower leg bones and it connects the knee with the ankle bones. The tibia is found on the medial side of the leg next to the fibula. It is the second largest bone in the human body next to the femur. The patella is a circular-triangular bonewhich articulates with the femur and covers the anterior articular surface of the knee joint. The femur articulates with the acetabulumin the pelvic bone forming the hip joint, while the distal part of the femur articulates with the tibia and patella forming the knee joint. The femur is the strongest bone in the body. 1. Briefly identify and discuss the microscopic structures of compact bone Skeleton and Bones    PG 5. Compact bone contains rigid organs that form parts of the endoskeleton. Compact bone assist the body to move, supports it, and protects organs. Compact bone produces red and white blood cells and store minerals. The cortical bone is one of the two types of osseous tissue that form bones. Cortical bone is often most prominent in the human femur and tibia. The outer layer is dense and forms the shaft of the long bones. Compact bone is made up of concentric layers of mineral deposits surrounding a central opening. The cylindrical shaped osteon is the main structure that makes the outer layer of bones hard. They typically run parallel.   The cortical bone is considered approximately 80% of mature bone.   Each unit is generally made up of the Haversian canal, Volkmanns canals, osteocytes, and canalulis. (Bones structure and mechanics, Pg. 212) Compact bone contains a central canal, called the Haversian canal, along with concentric layers of bone called interstitial lamellae. The Haversian canal is actually surrounded with rings of lamellae. Lamellae are made up of bone matrix, collagen fibers, and mineral crystals. Interstitial lamellae are contained in the spaces between osteons. Cancellous or spongy bone has less strength than compact bone and within the Haversian canal is composed of a layer of endosteum. This connective tissue is rich in nerve fibers and blood vessels. Blood cells within the canal carry nutrients and waste to and away from the outer layer of the bone. These systems of canals and lamellae are also called osteons. Spongy bone is hollow and appears like a sponge. They contain thin spicules are known as trabeculae. In between these cavities you will find red or yellow bone.  Volkmanns canals are small channels in the bone that transmit blood vessels from the periosteum into the bone and these canals provide energy and nourish osteons. Trabecular bone is another name for spongy Skeleton and Bones    PG 6. bone and can be found at the ends of long bones. (Haversian system, Pg. 12) Long bones is most of the appendicular skeleton. The ends of the long bones are epiphysis, its shaft is called the diaphysis. The surroundings or periphery of the epiphysis and diaphysis are made up of compact bone. In between long bones are epiphyseal plates and this is the region where bone growth occurs. The long bone is covered of the fibrous sheath called periosteum. The periosteum protects the bone and allows it to attach to other bones.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

“No One’s a Mystery”

Jessica Ulrich Essay 2 Intro to Literature The story I am completing and analyzing is â€Å"No One's a Mystery† by Elizabeth Tallent. â€Å"No One's a Mystery† is a brief, sharply detailed distillation of a doomed relationship between two people of contrasting personalities. The question I ask is who the characters are, and what parts of the story lead me to deem and back up my feelings about that certain character. To start off I feel that Jack is a hard one to analyze while reading it in a critical way.This is what I picked up on him Jack being a very cynical man who drinks heavily, doesn't clean his truck, and has no obvious respect for women (Mexomorph). Jack and his young lover not only come to terms with their relationship but also illuminate aspects of their own characters of which they themselves are not fully aware. The story is more of a character sketch than a traditional tale containing a beginning, middle, and an end. The sequence of events is less importan t than the specific detail and the dialogue between the couple. Esch, 2009) He is currently cheating on his wife with a barely-legal girl he has been having an affair with since she was sixteen. I think he is a man who doesn’t know what he wants. In the story when she is talking about marrying him and having his children down the road, he doesn’t seem to be much for it at least not as much as her. I think he really feels bad for what he is doing but he is caught up in the moment of the relationship and how easy it is, but doesn’t think through the consequences.I think he drinks so much to forget about what he is doing to his wife and he knows it is wrong, so drinking helps him cope with the last 2 years of having an affair, and soon to be a divorce that he states at the end of the story. He also seems to very demeaning towards women and it seems as if again he is not happy with his life he has lead on. Another thing is when he talks about his wife feeling safer when the lights are on when he's not home makes me think he still cares for her and is fine talking about her with his secret relationship in which she has no problem with him talking about.So again Jack is a hard one to understand but I think I got the gist of it. Aside from these generalities, he makes no judgments and demands no commitment, even mocking the narrator's version of their future together. His remark that the sky is empty carries a double meaning: In the context of the dialogue, Jack is referring to the absence of aircraft monitoring the speed of traffic, but in the light of his own character, it is a statement of unbelief, of detachment from social, emotional, and moral values.The young narrator, by contrast, has already acquired a set of values that make her a more sympathetic character. Her sharp eye for detail, her specific observations, lend her a solidity, a steadiness of purpose that is missing in Jack's life With all of this information I have gathered on the next character I would like to analyze would be the eighteen year old girl who is dating Jack. This eighteen year old girl seems to be very in love with Jack. She is planning their lives together with marriage and children.I feel that her character is an unsure about herself, or she hasn’t felt real love before and that’s why dating a married man and have it feel ok for her. Even though it doesn’t state much about their feelings on the relationships in the story I think it comes out the words they use within their conversation. The narrator counters to the contrary she will always love Jack. This exchange has some hidden meanings. The author is trying to show the reader that Jack knows they will not be together a year from then.The author is also trying to show the innocence and naivete of the girl in comparison to the knowledge of Jack. This diary encounter again brings out an emotional response in the reader by its imagery. When Jack mentions about how his wif e leaves the light on in the house because it helps her feel safer, it seems as if it doesn’t bother her talking about his wife, or having her duck in the truck when his wife passes alongside the road just so they don’t get caught. You think that would bug her with having to consistently hide from her especially since she is wanting and fantasizing about marrying him at age eighteen.I think she is deprived from having a relationship that can go to movies, dinner, hold hands in public, and been seen and known as a couple, and I think she feels some hurt due to the fact she knows it will never happen because when she talks about a year from now writing in her diary † I wonder what I really saw in Jack†, † I wonder why I spend so many day just riding in his truck†, or writing â€Å"I wonder what that old guys name was†. She states that she writes that but she will write â€Å"I love Jack and this diary is my birthday present from him. †Å"I can't imagine anybody loving anybody more than I love Jack. † So she goes back and forth of what she is feeling and what can happen in the future. She talks about not knowing Jack in a year but then also talks about having his kid and waiting for him to come home to make love to him. It was a very confusing ending with her and her feelings, very hard to read and interpret. I did get thought that both of them are caught up in the moment. That is what I felt the characters where, and what parts of the story lead me to deem and back up my feelings about that certain character.The visual and verbal images of this work are the key elements. The characters are not round characters but rather flat and stereotypical as the title No One's A Mystery suggests (Esch, 2009). But the way the characters are used, the straightforwardness of language and setting are meant to bring the reader to an emotional edge. The filthiness of the truck, the youth of the narrator and the exchange betwe en Jack and the girl over the diary help to reinforce the negative emotional response that the author was looking for.I wish this story was a little bit longer so it could help explain things that I thought had double meaning, but I like making up my own real end to the story and how I want to think of how those two ended up in a year. Works Cited Esch, J. (2009, Dec 4). Notearama. Retrieved from Notearama: http://notearama. blogspot. com/2009/12/on-no-ones-mystery-by-elizabeth-tallent. html Mexomorph. (n. d. ). Write Work. Retrieved from Write Work: http://www. writework. com/essay/no-one-s-mystery-elizabeth-tallent-english-1302-literature

Friday, January 10, 2020

Asses the Strengths and Limitations of Unstructured Interviews

Sociology Asses the strengths and limitations of unstructured interviews for the study of boys underachievement at school Unstructured interviews have advantages and disadvantages and as a qualitative method they are expressed through words and relay people’s thoughts, feelings and motivations. Unstructured interviews are interviews that don’t have certain questions meaning it’s more free and relaxed. They give us a deep understanding of the interviewees world because we can use the answers they give to shape our questions so that they are appropriate and relevant.However, using unstructured interviews can also cause problems, for example they take a long time to conduct. When looking at the advantages and disadvantages we need to look at how this effects what we are trying to research ‘boys underachievement at school’ as this will affect whether the advantages and limitations are relevant to the study. A few advantages of using unstructured intervie ws when studying the underachievement of boys are that the informality of the interview allows the interviewer to gain the trust of the interviewee which is important in this example.Boys at school will not feel comfortable explaining their time at school and why they do/don’t enjoy school if the interviewer is very formal and makes them feel intimidated whereas by using an unstructured interview it allows the boys being interviewed and the interviewee feel more comfortable around each other meaning the boys will be more open and truthful allowing the researcher to gain more and to collect more accurate and in depth data.Another advantage of using this method when researching boys underachievement at school is that because there are no set questions the interviewer can ask questions that they feel are important and will get the most valuable and informative answers which means the data collected will be more valuable. It also means that from the answers that the boys give the interviewer can change and adapt his questions to develop the answer given meaning the data collected will be in depth and very informative.Finally, an advantage of using this method when studying boys underachievement at school is that the interviewee and interviewer can check each other’s meanings. For example, if a question is asked and the boy doesn’t understand the interviewer can adapt and explain so that the boy can give a good answer. This is very good because it allows them to explain what they mean giving the other person a deeper understanding of the questions and answers meaning the interview will be more successful.However, there are also disadvantages of using unstructured interviews when researching boys underachievement at school. Unstructured interviews can take a long time to conduct which means that less can be carried out. This could cause a big problem to give a good range of answers the researcher/interviewer may want to visit different schools t o see how the answers differ in different schools and in different areas.However it would take too long to visit different places and schools because the actual interview takes too long itself. Another disadvantage is that it can go off topic meaning the interview is irrelevant. When interviewing a boy the interview could go off topic meaning that the interview would be useless as it wouldn’t give us any informative information that could you be used to draw up a conclusion.Finally, another disadvantage of using this method when researching boys underachievement at school is that they’re not reliable. As its unstructured the same interview can’t be carried out on lots of people as it will change each time depending on the answers given and how the interviewer responds to them. This means that researchers can’t replicate the interview or compare it to their own findings so there’s no way of knowing if it’s reliable or not.To conclude using un structured interviews when researching boys underachievement at school has both advantages and disadvantages that could mean it’s better and worse than structures interviews. However, I believe that it would still be a good method to use as it will give informative answers and allow the researcher to find out why boys aren’t doing so well at school. It will still give accurate answers as the boys will feel more relaxed meaning they can be looked at and analysed meaning we can draw a conclusion from them. Hannah Smillie

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The narrator is told by his wife that she is having her...

The narrator is told by his wife that she is having her blind friend come spend a night at their house. His wife had just passed and is a very good friend with the wife and wants the blind man to come stay with them. The narrator is not very happy about the blind man coming to visit and asks the wife where she met him and to talk more about. She explains that she worked for him, she read to him. When the blind man pulls up, the narrator is already being judgmental and prejudiced towards the blind man. He does not even the slightest open mind about meeting this man that his wife has such a good relationship with. In the story Cathedral, Raymond Carver uses metaphoric symbols, an object title, and a dialect style to get across the message†¦show more content†¦He is very close minded and does not even bother to give this man a chance. He has a stereotype of the blind man before he even meets him and ends up having his thoughts changed. It is very unique that there is a true bli nd man in this story because of the true blindness we see in the narrator. The Narrator symbolizes blindness as he has trouble thinking about anybody but himself. The Blind Man is the secondary character because he is a very compassionate man who takes in everyone around him. â€Å"So I’ve been told, anyways. Do I look distinguished, my dear?† Asking the wife does he look good? Robert knows everything about the wife from their past of sending back and forth tapes of the past years. He is one of the wifes closest and true friends. We never exactly know what is said of one of Roberts’s tapes about the husband but we do know that he gives a full understanding of his idea of the person the Narrator truly is because not only does he get thoughts of other people but with the blindness as a personal defect it serves as a advantage to understanding people for who they truly are. 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